Topic: Simic Deck

I have a deck that I am working on. Can you guys tell me what the weaknesses are and how to fix them? I would really like to start playing at FNM (non drafts) with a decent deck.


The deck is in my profile -- I don't know how to link it.

Re: Simic Deck

FTFY: The Deck in question.

Just so you know for future reference, type [ url = ] what you want it to day [ /url ] without the spaces, to link it.  Also, it helps if you give us a general idea as to what you intend to accomplish with the deck.  i.e. I want to get so and so out early, and capitalize on such and such ability.

Re: Simic Deck

Thank you very much for the link, and for the future reference.

I see two win scenarios in my deck. The hydra getting 10+ counters, then trampling over the enemy or the raptors killing them from the sky.

The rapid hybridization can be used on my geists to get two counters on a fresh raptor, or a flying opponent to clear the skies. The guildmages are there to get the counters off the geists and to get some card advantage. The Master biomancer can my make later raptors/experiments big when they enter. Zegana is another card advantage, and a pretty large creature herself. Burst of strength and bioshift are there for combat tricks.

I don't have all of the things I particularity want for the deck (only 3 harbors, only 1 breeding pool the most glaring examples), but I think the overall idea is there.

Any thoughts?