Topic: [Standard] Esper Control

I'm looking for some help on my esper control deck I'm taking to game day. Here is the deck

My main kill is milling someone out with either Nephalia Drownyard or Jace, Memory adept. I have a 3/2 split of board wipes just so I can deal with aggro players and all the RDW decks these days. I run 3 creatures for hitting the spells I need I'm not sold on these but they have put in work. Hitting the Sphinx's Revelation off of Augur is great and He hits 24 spells but sends the 8 Walkers to the bottom and that isn't something I'd like to do I have been thinking about replacing Augur for 2 Forbidden Alchemy. Snapcaster is good when I need to kill something with a removal spell in the yard or counter a spell with dissipate. He puts in a lot of work but there aren't a lot of cards he actually gets like the ones with flashback so I don't know if he actually deserves a spot.

So I'm wondering what can be changed and what can I improve on. I'd like any feedback possible it helps and any help with the sideboard would be amazing.

Re: [Standard] Esper Control

I'd consider getting some intangible virtues in there.
Ultimate Price is good.

Think Twice... I'd consider dropping for forbidden alchemy.

Augur is cool, but sometimes bricks. Expendable imo.
Snapcaster is cool, I'd keep him.

Drop in a one-of psychic spiral, and a second snapcaster. Keep in mind, snapcaster lets you recast it for cost. Flashbacks are more, but on forbidden alchemy the flashback is huge. I'd drop sphinx's revelation down to 3 of. I'd drop 1 of or completely take out memory adept mainboard, maybe sideboard. Yes mill is cool, but AoT can put you at a stupid win condition. So can Tamiyo's emblem, which AoT will help you get far more than MA. Sorin is sexy. Lili of the veil is sexy.

Another thing my friend does, is he runs one lili of the dark. He also re-balanced his landbase for more shocks (so he could tutor for them with lili of the dark). I playtest against him *ALL* The freaking time, and esper control is my main matchup in top 4 / top 2 in my standard turnys. I've played against this build (or similar), and its strong. I've also played against a build with the suggestions I've listed, and it's harder for me to beat.

That's coming from Bant Enchantments, Boros, Elfwave, etc. I don't play aggro midrange. I do soundly beat esper control with my USA midrange deck consistently, regardless of the build. I don't know how it does against each archetype right now though. I'd imagine it will have a lot of trouble vs bant enchantments unless I hit spotlight hate fast.

Sideboard, more wipes. Sever the blood is cool, but meh. Dsphere is viable.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: [Standard] Esper Control

While Jace might seem bad he actually pulls his weight. He lets me draw off of his +1 and mills them for 10 which can end the game quickly I don't think intangible virtue is good here I'm only running lingering souls and Sorins +1 for tokens and he is an anthem himself I've debated on think twice and it's good/bad it lets me hit the land drops I need to. Snap caster is good I've gone back and forth on 1-2 but there aren't a lot of things I really want to hit with him so I think 1 is good for the time being. The augur does stop some creatures so I will keeps him in. I had lili of the dark she didn't feel like she fit in here I don't want to run to many shocks. I'm going to put a psychic spiral in the side for the mirror. I'm going to drop sever and go up to 3 dspheres I'm going to add 1 supreme in the side also.

Re: [Standard] Esper Control

Seems reasonable.

Both ways are completely valid.

Also, you might consider running Psychic Strike, since you're going mill.

I only trade domestically, thanks!
Always trading for guru or judge foil lands.
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Re: [Standard] Esper Control

Vincentarasin wrote:

Seems reasonable.

Both ways are completely valid.

Also, you might consider running Psychic Strike, since you're going mill.

I will in the side board I don't think it does well main board since I'm not milling myself but it does work well against the mill based control decks like Esper and Dark Bant.