Topic: W: wishlist H: Tradelist

I'm new to deckbox, but I'm looking to do some trades for cards that I need. I'm looking for anything on my tradelist, or anything that you think will go well with the deck I have on my page.

I have anything on my tradelist, all shocklands from my deck, plus a ton of uncommons from standard I didn't feel like adding to deckbox.

My deck is pretty successful with a definitive winning record, so I'm not really trying to change the format all that much, but trades that you think might work with it, I am willing to hear out.


Notable Trades:
Gideon, Champion of Justice
All Rare lands
Akroma's Memorial
Krenko, Mob Boss
Augor of Bolas (Foil)
Demonic Taskmaster (Foil)

Last edited by UB225 (2013-02-20 12:26:10)

Re: W: wishlist H: Tradelist