Topic: H: Thundermaw Hellkite/Emrakrul W:To see your tradelist

Title says it all.

Send me a trade if you are interested.

Re: H: Thundermaw Hellkite/Emrakrul W:To see your tradelist


Re: H: Thundermaw Hellkite/Emrakrul W:To see your tradelist

I'm interested in Emrakrul. I see you are looking for an Obzedat and I have one of those for trade. Look through my list and tell me if you see anything else you like that might make this happen. Thanks!

Re: H: Thundermaw Hellkite/Emrakrul W:To see your tradelist

I actually just traded for 2 obzedats which is pretty much the most anyone would ever need.  So sadly I'll have to pass.  thanks for the offer though!

Re: H: Thundermaw Hellkite/Emrakrul W:To see your tradelist

No problem. I traded him away last night anyways. I meant to come on here and give an update but I will just give your post another bump instead