Topic: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

Hey Guys,
I'm looking for Naya Shocks, Rootbound Crags, Caverns of Souls, and Humans stuff like Champion of Lambholt, Zealous Conscripts. In addition, I'm also looking for Loxodon Smiters.
Notable Haves:
1 Geist of Saint Traft
1 Deathrite Shaman
1 Omniscience
1 Angel of Serenity
I haven't traded here before so I would be happy to send my stuff first.

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

I have some of the stuff you need. I'll send you a trade here in a bit!

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

I have Clifftop Retreat, Boros Charm and Zealous Conscripts available. send me a trade I'd be interested in Geist or Deathrite smile

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

Cool. Currently all of my toploaders are "on the road" if you will, so I can't really trade until next week. I'm getting most of the humans I need but I still don't have any of the shocks. In particular, I really need temple gardens, so if someone has a few that they would be willing to trade to me that would be great.

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

supson wrote:

Cool. Currently all of my toploaders are "on the road" if you will, so I can't really trade until next week. I'm getting most of the humans I need but I still don't have any of the shocks. In particular, I really need temple gardens, so if someone has a few that they would be willing to trade to me that would be great.

I can't really send anything till next week so that's fine just send me a trade and we can try to work something out while we wait?

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

Looks like I have a lot of the stuff you need.  Interested in your Gisela and Angel of Serenity for my Kaalia EDH deck smile

Re: W: Naya Shocks and duals. Humans Stuff.

I got a temple garden and champion of lambholt, and I am interested in your omniscience and kessig wolf run