Topic: Standard BUG Aggro - Experimental - Critique and Theorize

If you're looking for a tier 2 fun deck to take to something I think this is it.  It went 3-2 twice at FNM just didn't quite have the reach to do better.  Our meta is fairly tough.  It may fair better in a meta without several top tier decks present.

The deck is a work in progress.  Depending on what's released within the next set it could be a fairly successful aggro deck.  When it goes off it's capable of dealing almost as much damage as naya humans, but it's not quite as aggressive (the math works out to a turn 4 kill). Check it yourself smile

The problem with the deck right now is consistency. In play testing with my friend we ran into problems of just not hitting one of our one drops and you need to hit progressively higher power/toughness creatures to trigger evolve.  Corpsejack is the bomb that finishes the game, but a better 3 drop is needed, instead of krasis, and it has to at least be 3 power or 3 toughness, ideally you want 3 power because it can still trigger evolve on the cloudfin and gyre sage turn 4. 

Side board we ran was garruk, ground seal, death rite, etc etc... salt and pepper to meta flavor.

Re: Standard BUG Aggro - Experimental - Critique and Theorize

First off, Kessig Wolf Run is a nice adaption but causing you to hurt yourself in the long run. I would remove them completely and ALL Red Mana producers.

Stick with what is needed for the deck... Breeding Pools, Drowned Catacombs, Woodland Cemeteries, Watery Graves, Overgrown Tombs, Hinterland Harbors. This will provide all you need. Don't MUCK your capabilities with hindering your access.

Without Master Biomancer, you will have a hard time getting them to evolve. Add 2 of him. He makes all creatures AFTER his appearance get +2/+2 and will help a bit on evolving. Add something that makes him get +1/+1 counters and evolve gets ugly upon new arrivals.

Re: Standard BUG Aggro - Experimental - Critique and Theorize

Thanks for pointing that out turk. We had actually already modified it to remove the kessig in testing. I forgot to modify the online version.

we had considered master biomancer, and you might be right.  It could give it the reach it needs since the low cost creatures aren't there yet to give it the consistency it needs early game.  The reson we chose corpsejack is he immediately affects what's on the board, turn 4/5 he's going to evolve anything on the board and double the counters placed.  Duskmantle seemed good in the more controlly/midrange matches. When they got low he was able to finish them by making them top deck a thrag or AoS.

We tried bioshift a little and it semed like we didn't need it when the deck worked and pointless if it chocked.

Re: Standard BUG Aggro - Experimental - Critique and Theorize

think about miming slimes. It becomes your biggest creature (with biomancer out) +2 and will help your evolves grow also.

Re: Standard BUG Aggro - Experimental - Critique and Theorize

thanks for input.

the thing about miming slime is it's not a creature on its own, while it can be substantial under the right circumstances it's a dead card if they wipe your board and aggro decks these days have to be mindful of that.