Topic: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Friend of mine decided to have me trade cards for him.  He is a heavy legacy player and is looking for cards for his stack, trying to foil out his Miracles deck (and get betas of some cards), and wants some cards for his collection.  His cards are also for trade for stuff on the rest of the wishlist as well.  If we are trading for standard and you want legacy stuff, we will ask for some value.

tl;dr lots of new neat stuff and trade me foil legacy miracles stuff.

EDIT:  Everything on the tradelist is for trade toward everything on the wishlist.  I won't necessarily want to trade down a Candle into Shocks, but stuff of mine can be traded toward things my friends want and vice versa.  You guys don't have to worry about whose stuff is whose.  I'll handle that.

Last edited by Deathtopia (2013-04-02 21:07:10)

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

See anything for / interested in selling / interested in doing a cash/trade mix for the Volrath's?

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Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

I have a foil Entreat the Angels, but I'm confused about where to find his trade items.

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Just look at all stuff on my trade list.  Everything on my trade list is for trade towards everything on the wishlist.

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Interested in Volrath's Stronghold.  I have 2 Restoration Angesl as well as some smaller stuff.

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Just moved the stronghold, sorry!

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Deathtopia wrote:

Just moved the stronghold, sorry!

Ok.  I also may be interested in Pernicious Deed, Tamiyo, or Maelstrom Pulse.

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

Also, what do you/he value foil Entreat the Angels at?

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot

If you are interested with things, please start a trade with me!!

And foil Entreat's at $30 on TCG.

Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot


Re: Got a new trading partner that has a lot and wants a lot
