Topic: W: B/W Lands H:Entreat the Angels,foil Scroll Rack and foil vorinclex

I'm looking for:

Fetid Heath
Marsh Flats
Godless Shrine x2

I'm looking to trade:
Entreat the angel x2
Foil commander's arsenal scrollrack
foil vorinclex

Re: W: B/W Lands H:Entreat the Angels,foil Scroll Rack and foil vorinclex

Would you do a Godless and a normal Vorinclex for a Foil Vorinclex?

Re: W: B/W Lands H:Entreat the Angels,foil Scroll Rack and foil vorinclex

Any need for isolated chapels?

Re: W: B/W Lands H:Entreat the Angels,foil Scroll Rack and foil vorinclex

Not really related to the post, but I'm interested in your Deathrite Shaman, let me know if you see anything for it

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