Topic: W: 4x Abrupt Decay, 3x Overgrown Tomb and Woodland Cemetery H: Stuff

Hey there. I'm looking for:

4x Abrupt Decay
3x Overgrown Tomb
3x Woodland Cemetery
3x Izzet Vs Golgari: Putrefy

I'm also looking for Stuff for my Savra EDH which is on my wishlist

I have Cavern and some other stuff for trade.

Let me know!

Re: W: 4x Abrupt Decay, 3x Overgrown Tomb and Woodland Cemetery H: Stuff

I've got 1 Overgrown tomb, 1 woodland Cemetery, and probably that duel deck purify. I'd like to put it towards 2 stomping grounds, it would finish a play set for me. Let me know if we can work something out.

Re: W: 4x Abrupt Decay, 3x Overgrown Tomb and Woodland Cemetery H: Stuff

I have 1x Abrupt Decay and 1x woodland cemetery.