Topic: First Independently Built Deck (Acquiring)

Hello everyone! I just recently started playing  a couple months ago, and now am getting more interested in collecting/competing.
Last night (this morning), I put together a B/R burn deck with a sideboard to (hopefully) make it competitive in multiplayer and against multiple unique problems. I would appreciate any and all feedback/suggestions you may have big_smile

Vengeance Is Mine!

Key Cards:
Increasing Vengeance
Sorin's Vengeance
Quest for Pure Flame

Last edited by Kyrs (2013-04-21 07:41:29)

Re: First Independently Built Deck (Acquiring)

I'm pretty sure that your cards have to be from the editions listed here ( … frstandard) to be legal in competition.

Re: First Independently Built Deck (Acquiring)

Depends on what format, for modern its fine. Also as long as the card was printed in those sets as long as you have the same card (even if its from a diffrent edition) then your fine. Example if you have a M12 jace, memory adept it is still legal in standard because it was reprinted exactly in M13.