Topic: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

I'm not looking for any cards in particular, so please link me to your tradelist if you're interested.

Also, anything in my inventory is up for grabs:

Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

I was eyeing your abrupt decay, see anything?

Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

Interested in Voice.  Inventory/Tradelist below.

Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

Also interested in Voice - see if I have anything you're interested in ~

Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

intested, willing to trade down also

Re: H: Voice of Resurgence W: Tradelists

Interested in voice. I also have a spare resto to trade away.

Last edited by Luminaxe (2013-05-01 12:21:06)