Topic: Done

**Edit: At the moment, I am involved in heavy trading through the site, and as a result will not be open to new trades until my cards arrive to their new homes and my inventory settles. Thanks so much for all your help in getting this far!


Hey everyone - I am new to the trade functionality of the website, and I am looking to round out my legacy Deadguy Ale list. I quickly learned that offering random trades to strangers will largely be met with an ignore and so I figured I would start my own thread. My wishlist is a representation of what I actually want, and I will be updating my tradelist with more cards as soon as my law finals finish up. Thanks for taking the time to look, and I look forward to hearing from yall soon!

Most Wanted:

1x Jitte
2x Vindicate
3x Cabal Therapy
4x Verdant Catacombs
1x Stoneforge Mystic
4x Lingering Souls
4x Swords to Plowshares

As far as my haves, take a look at my for trade list.

Last edited by zachtraps (2013-05-04 02:04:38)