Topic: H: Duals and oher legacy stuff W: Duals, Stifle, flusterstorm

LED and Tutors are gone. Still looking for the following:

1 x underground sea (highest priority)
2 x bayou

Other stuff:
1 x Misty Rainforest
3-4 x Flusterstorm
4 stifle
1 deathrite shamman
2 tombstalkers
4 Nible mongoose
2 abrupt decay

Big stuff for trade for duals:
Volcanic Island
2 wasteland

Other notable stuff:
Natural order (In coming)
Burning Wish (HP condition)

If you are willing to trade a dual land down for non dual, non legacy stuff I am willing to offer a 15% premium in your favor.

Trade list :

Last edited by F3n1x (2013-05-14 05:45:31)

Re: H: Duals and oher legacy stuff W: Duals, Stifle, flusterstorm

Are the wastelands only for trade for duals? If not I have the stifles and the flusterstorms.

Re: H: Duals and oher legacy stuff W: Duals, Stifle, flusterstorm

chaddy wrote:

Are the wastelands only for trade for duals? If not I have the stifles and the flusterstorms.

To be honest  I would rather not trade them at all, but if it will get me the duals I need I am willing.

Re: H: Duals and oher legacy stuff W: Duals, Stifle, flusterstorm

I know what you mean. Good luck sir.

Re: H: Duals and oher legacy stuff W: Duals, Stifle, flusterstorm
