Topic: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

Need to finish up on this deck, can anyone help me out? i got lots of random crap so feel free to look!


Priority Wants:

1 Blood Crypt
1 Dreadbore
3 Played or warped Falkenrath Aristocrats
2 Played or warped Thundermaw Hellkites

I understand i don't have the high end cards enough to trade up to the falkenrath or Thundermaw Hellkite but if anyone out there has a warped condition of one of those and would like to trade, let me know i'll take em smile

Last edited by VampireArmy (2013-05-22 22:43:29)

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)


Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

I got some stuff you want but your trade list is all >$3. Is your inventory touchable?

Here is my Profile, Tradelist, and Wishlist

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

that all depends on what youre looking to touch lol some stuff is going to go in a deck either now or near future but if ive forgotten to move it to the trade binder, then yeah ill probally trade it

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

bumpity bumpity bump

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)


I have a playset of Hellriders and charms for trade. Theres not much I want in your trades folder so would you be willing to trade out of your inventory?

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

I have a Blood Crypt but nothing on your trade list is worthy of it.... do you not have anything of value or interest.. if so contact me and I will trade for things that interest me.

- Mattcow12

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)

mattcow12 wrote:

I have a Blood Crypt but nothing on your trade list is worthy of it.... do you not have anything of value or interest.. if so contact me and I will trade for things that interest me.

I have what i have. What value cards i do have are currently in the deck being as im not out buying loads of packs or sitting on value cards from years past.  please read my description on my profile for any further confusion

Re: Need Rakdos stuff (i want your highly played Thundermaws/Aristocrats!)
