Topic: W: Wishlist, H: Tradelist (cards <$2.00 can be treated as half value)

As the title says, I'm trying to get rid of some of my bulk type rares. Any card in my tradelist that's listed at <$2.00 will be treated as half price. I'm particularly looking for Deathrite Shaman, Abrupt Decays and any shocks. Otherwise, my Wishlist has some duals, fetches, etc on it but also some cheapish EDH cards.

Re: W: Wishlist, H: Tradelist (cards <$2.00 can be treated as half value)

Not really bulk, but I'm interested in 2x Temple Gardens and a Melira, let me know if you see anything

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Re: W: Wishlist, H: Tradelist (cards <$2.00 can be treated as half value)

Also offtopic, but I have a few EDH type cards on your wishlist. The only thing you have on my wishlist at the moment is shocks (trying to help a friend get into standard so I'm looking for all of them I can find). But I'm looking at the rest of your list too. Let me know.

Re: W: Wishlist, H: Tradelist (cards <$2.00 can be treated as half value)
