Topic: a deck of cancer?

so i started with this idea my girlsfriend had (she's really into cinders) and i wanted to make it a nice lil modern deck to take to my local card shop on mondays for modern MNM (monday night magic).  how does it look?

also.  if anyone has any of these cards, im accepting trade offers big_smile

the deck:

Re: a deck of cancer?

The deck looks amusing enough.  I can't help but think you might enjoy adding Contagion Clasp and/or Contagion Engine for the repeat proliferate triggers.  Perhaps replace 2x Scar and 2x Virulent Wound with 3x Clasps and 1x Engine?

Otherwise, it looks promising (although I'm not going to pretend that I'm an expert on what would and would not be competitive in Modern).

Re: a deck of cancer?

TyWooOneTime wrote:

The deck looks amusing enough.  I can't help but think you might enjoy adding Contagion Clasp and/or Contagion Engine for the repeat proliferate triggers.  Perhaps replace 2x Scar and 2x Virulent Wound with 3x Clasps and 1x Engine?

Honestly i would consider that if it weren't so expensive to play i thought about it before but after playtesting it bogged down my mana. im going for a more beat-em-up style deck but a more controlled deck would definitely see your suggestion in a heartbeat! haha but hey, thanks a lot for the look ^.^

Re: a deck of cancer?

VampireArmy wrote:

Honestly i would consider that if it weren't so expensive to play i thought about it before but after playtesting it bogged down my mana. im going for a more beat-em-up style deck but a more controlled deck would definitely see your suggestion in a heartbeat! haha but hey, thanks a lot for the look ^.^

I'd argue that the clasp isn't that bad and can ensure that you're able to add more counters to better your board state when you're sitting with an empty hand and mana to spare.  But either way, works.