Topic: Event Decks / Duel Decks?

Strength of Selesnya just came out. I'm not a really big fan of white/green. But I might get it.

What event decks or duel decks do you suggest? As value / fun to play / easily tweakable.

I don't need to be Standard. I just want them to play casual. Thanks

I would like to try the Dragon Duel Deck (Knights vs. Dragons), but it looks a bit too expensive.

Last edited by kappolo (2013-05-24 17:36:56)

Re: Event Decks / Duel Decks?

The thing with the Duel decks is that you get a pair of decks for it. They also aren't the more competitive ones.

Event decks are single decks and are fully set up as one that is decently fun to play while being a decent one for standard at release

Re: Event Decks / Duel Decks?

That Strength of Selesnya event deck is cheaper than you could build it card-by-card...  1 Godless Shrine, 1 Advent of the Wurm, and 2 Rancors pays for the whole thing.

Maybe all the event decks are like that when they come out; I don't know becuase this is the first one that's caught my attention since I started playing again.

Re: Event Decks / Duel Decks?

when the red/white deck came out recently with clifftop, ash zealot, silver blade and a few others it was hard to find for less and 30-40 bucks.  If you can get them for MSRP then they're usually a good deal.

Re: Event Decks / Duel Decks?

The Duel boxes in my experience tend to be more fun, especially when they are matched against each other as intended. (they usually have one or two cards that are just devastating to each other, and not many other decks)

On the other hand, the Event Decks have a sideboard and all, so you can even tweak it a little right out of the box without digging into your collection. One of my favorite things about these is that the strategies are pretty accessible to new players, so you can have them get an event deck, and maybe a half dozen other powerful cards to swap in, and they can go to a tournament with you without feeling like they brought a deck that let them down.