Topic: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

Hey all I just updated a new tradelist/wantlist and was hoping to piece together a legacy BUG control list I've been interested in. Some of the more notable wants:

Misty Rainforest
Verdant Catacombs
Jace, the Mind Sculptor
Liliana of the Veil
Deathrite Shaman
Inquisition of Kozilek
Snapcaster Mage

Some of the more notable haves include:

Taiga (1 Revised, 2 FBB Italian)
City of Traitors
Vampiric Tutor
Some useful rares like Lords of Atlantis, Birds of Paradise, Ball Lightning, Grim Monolith
Mid-range value stuff like Entomb, Survival of the Fittest, Academy Rector, Scroll Rack, Grindstone, Bribery, Sylvan Library

Check out my Have List and Want List for more though, thanks!


Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

Would you be interested in a foil Misty?

Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

It'd be nice but I'm not looking for foils just yet, just trying to get the regular cards. Thank you though.

Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

I have a Breeding Pool, and you have a Greater Good. Can we do business?

Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

I have shocklands, mistys, catacombs, deathrites, inquisitions. Interested in your best condition FBB Taiga.

Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

Bump, still looking for a good number of cards!

Re: Looking for some BUG legacy cards

Paul_K wrote:
scurveymobile wrote:

Would you be interested in a foil Misty?

I would be interested!

Started a trade