Topic: H: Shocks and other crap W: 4 Sacred foundries and Cliftop retreats

i have other goodies to fill in the trade. if you prefer a jace memory adept in there somewhere, i have one im trying to trade. look at my crap! look at it!
id strongly prefer to trade shocks for shocks. i dont want to trade my shocks for the cliftops only.

Last edited by fergerger (2013-06-01 06:23:13)

Re: H: Shocks and other crap W: 4 Sacred foundries and Cliftop retreats

Do you happen to have any Temple Garden?

Re: H: Shocks and other crap W: 4 Sacred foundries and Cliftop retreats

I'm afraid not

Re: H: Shocks and other crap W: 4 Sacred foundries and Cliftop retreats

I have a bunch of stuff from your list.  In need of an Abrupt Decay.  Start up a trade if you are interested.