Topic: Trying to get into Legacy: Goblin Charbelcher

Trying to get into Legacy, just played an event this past Sunday in Baltimore.

I have: My trade list
I Need: Wishlist

Help! I know the LED's will be the hardest to get, so trying to get them first while I still have chunks of value to my list, also found a pile of gatecrash packs in a backpack in my closet that I never opened, will trade those too.

Last edited by jkrause13 (2013-06-03 21:26:59)

Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington

Re: Trying to get into Legacy: Goblin Charbelcher

Just a heads up. It's going to be very difficult to trade for LEDs without external format staples to trade as well. I think you'll be able to grab the others (minus Taiga) with some time but you may be better off saving to purchase those.

Re: Trying to get into Legacy: Goblin Charbelcher

Yeah, figured it was going to be a struggle. I figure any stepping stones help too.

Profile Tradelist Wishlist

"The Constitution is the guide which I never will abandon." -George Washington