Topic: plains/swamp; [casual] right track?

Any advice would be extremely welcome.

I keep wanting to ask for advice but then I feel like I haven't worked hard enough on exploring my options and learning strategy. I pretty much write this post a bunch then don't post it. I haven't filled out my inventory completely yet, about 1000 cards missing. Anyways....

Early on my biggest problem was not being able to play the cards I was pulling based on the mana I had in the deck. Its possible I'm overcompensating for this. Now I think my main problem is playing the right cards together and pulling together a win strategy.

I have an aversion to just being a copy cat. I want to learn to creatively compile decks and I think I will, but there are always truths to the process that are necessary. Any help is appreciated greatly. If nothing else just "this is real bad" would be a help!


I wasn't sure I should post a comment on my own post so I'm just going to give an edit.

[edit] also if anybody has advice on how to (or link to) a deck that uses a lot of draw abilities I've been wanting to use my reliquary towers in a deck. It might have to be islands though cause I think thats where I've seen a lot of draw abilities....

[edit 2] in my decklist "copy of swamp/plan" is the original

Last edited by nocurrency2 (2013-06-07 00:42:10)

Re: plains/swamp; [casual] right track?

Ok ill start with the land. 25 land in a deck allways feels excessive to me. Normally the decks im playing run on 20 or less mana. i just use creative ways to compensate for this. I will explain a lil more later.

I would most likely pull all three shimmering grotto. Why pay one mana for a mana of any color when your only playing 2 colors. an option here would be orzhov guild gate. It comes into play tapped but you dont have to pay one mana to effectively use it.

Haunted Fengraf produces only colorless mana and its ability is so so at best. if you get this land in a opening draw it would hurt you really badly. especially if its the only land you draw. So ide kick it to the curb like last weeks girlfriend.

Onto the creature business.
Ok so my philosphy for white is that its strong on getting rid of artifacts and enchantments, in addition to having powerful early attackers. I mention this because the pride guardian feels awkward to me. If your playing a creature heavy deck and plan to win by attacking. Why not cast a small white 1/1 with a random ability. I would most likely throw in a dutiful thrull or a tundra wolf for a second turn attack.

Now for the spells.
Disentomb seems kind of weak in this deck. how many large creatures will you be able to bring back to your hand late game? I feel that pulling this and adding another creature of some sort may be a better idea.

Mires toll is a bit off. Here is why your oppoent gets to choose 2 cards. So if you play it first or second turn he will most likely show 2 cards he doesint mind losing. As for late game your opponent should have a empty hand depending on their strategy. So if you can only play it on your turn then it might be waste of a draw. Or swap it for duress.

I like evil presence as a sideboard card. Load up 4 of them in a match against a non black deck and you will limit their available mana. As for main deck. Not to sure. Im sure some other smaller creatures would be more help with getting creatures out. Ive allways liked the blood pet.

Thats my input. So just by looking at the cards ide say more small creatures with abilities that have helpful abilities.

Re: plains/swamp; [casual] right track?

Thanks for replying. I don't get much conversation about the game so I'm pumped.

If its okay, maybe I'll throw a couple of ideas at you and see what you think?

My first thought is to include a separate type of attacker which could offer me different and maybe better abilities like you are talking about. I'm not sure I have the expertise or non-basics to pull off more colors in any number but I have a good amount of artifacts and artifact creatures.

So now I have 52 cards in my deck, assuming 60 is what to go with....what about..

2 armored transport
1 coretapper
1 chimeric mass
1 ring of xathrid
1 culling dias
2 accorder's shield

Pulling Ring of Xathrid could really pay off if I get one of the vampire nighthawk s out or the markov patrician
I think Culling Dias could help me position myself better if I end up drawing a good number of small creatures
I feel like chimeric mass is really versatile
with Coretapper....i dunno about it, If i already had down chimeric mass, culling dais or the plainswalker down it'd be great, but i'm not sure what the likelyhood of that is.
I thought armored transports ability to attack and not die doing it was worth it to include..
accorder's shield laid on something with higher power than toughness could make it stick around longer....vampire interloper, armored transport, markov patrician.....

Also I added 2 O. Guildgates and took out a swamp land. I'm not sure how big of a deal "decelerated" land is. I have 4 Kabira Crossroads and 4 Piranha Marsh that I could replace some of the basic Plains/Swamp with....2 of each? Or maybe just side board them...

do you think these would help the effectiveness? I altered the deck to what I just said above so if you look, it should be right.

Wow. This took me a while. If I come up with anything else I'll post again.

Thanks for looking into it for me.

Re: plains/swamp; [casual] right track?

I took the liberty to look at the inventory you currently have posted and create my version of a Swamp/Plains deck.  This is what I came up with:

When I build my decks, I try to maintain a balance between high powered creatures and low cost spells as well as a proportion between my lands and everything else.  My land/everything else proportion is 40/60.  Forty percent lands, and sixty percent everything else. (That's 24 lands, and 36 everything else in a 60 card deck.)  Then I pick out my planeswalkers if I want to use any.  Because 36 divided by 2 is 18, I subtract the number of planeswalkers from 18.  The number I have left is the number of creatures I'm going to include.  I sort my creatures in the select colors or theme or whatever by power plus toughness from largest to smallest.  Then I select and include up to four versions of a certain card from each pile until I have a total of 18 creatures and planeswalkers. (BTW - I did not do this on the sample because it would take too long, but I did include the strongest creatures.)  Next, I pick out my artifacts if I want to use any; then I subtract the number of artifacts from 18.  The number I have left is the number of enchantments, instants, and sorceries I'm going to include.  I sort those cards in the select color or theme or whatever by mana cost from smallest to largest.  Then I select and include up to four versions of a certain card from each pile until I have a total of 18 artifacts, enchantments, instants, and sorceries.  (BTW - I did not do this on the sample because it would take too long, but I did include the cheapest spells.)  Finally, I select the lands that I want to use sticking within my chosen color boundaries.  I sort the lands based on what kind of mana they produce with cards that produce two different mana colors choosing a side (eg - if I have two cards that produce both white and black or either white or black, one would side with the plains and the other would side with the swamps).  Colorless cards side with the color that has the least lands on its side.  Then I go to the Stats page, scroll down to the bottom, and look at the land numbers listed at the bottom left.  After subtracting my already chosen land numbers from those, I fill in the final basic lands completing the deck.

It's a long, confusing process, but it works very well.  You're not likely to get mana shafted or creature shafted, and you can be guaranteed to have a fairly good balance of everything you need.

Re: plains/swamp; [casual] right track?

jatotek wrote:

Ok ill start with the land. 25 land in a deck allways feels excessive to me. Normally the decks im playing run on 20 or less mana. i just use creative ways to compensate for this. I will explain a lil more later.

Sorry, but this is flat out bad advice about land.  The fastest most competitive aggro decks run 20 at a minimum.  If you're playing anything over4 cost or have any cards with x in the cost, 24-25-26 lands is not unheard of or even a bad idea.  A lot of decks will run ramp cards and draw cards that also help you draw into those lands. 

As far as your deck goes you want to win with your big creatures here it looks like.  You might consider cutting some of the smaller ones in favor of spells that provide additional mana to get your big guys out faster.  You want a peppering of smaller 2-3 drops to stop faster decks, or enough cheap removal to get rid of their creatures.  Until you can play your big fat ones.

Also, enchants are okay, but if someone removes the creature it's attached too then you just lost 2 cards for one.  Some enchants are okay, but I would limit the selection to all but the most important.

The pacifism type enchants are okay for removal, but they do have the disadvantage of leaving the creature on the board so they can still use it for sac effects or things that deal with X creatures.  Also if they have a way to remove the enchant then they just get their creature back for a small investment.