I'm well versed in most standard archetypes including bant hex proof. To get to there, from you're at requires a huge change. It's not even close to the same deck. That's why it doesn't make sense to me. Bant hexproof is a very non interactive deck. I don't see how people have fun playing it, unless you're goal in life is to piss people off.
Aggro and counter magic is like oil and water... the two do not mix. I wouldn't even consider this a possibility, unless you want to run a completely different deck.
You need to accept the fact that as an aggro deck you're potentially week to some kinds of removal. There's not a lot you can do to be honest. Sigarda is the best you can do against edict effects, but she's pricey at 5 when as an aggro deck you ideally want to finish the game around that time. A Jund midrange deck is going to wreck your face even if you went with the completely Naya Blitz package. It just runs so much removal you wouldn't keep anything on the board.
Trample is great, but you can get trample from better sources than unflinching courage. You're never going to surprise anyone with it like you can a ghor-clan or selysnya charm.
2. Blind Obedience slows down Haste creatures - Boros Blitz, Naya Blitz. I have been beating those decks with speed. Also if I don't have trample it makes them block and those decks don't like to block. However swinging 7/5 doublestrike means they have to chump block or take 14. Then they don't get battallion and I am full of glee. Then I use (gasp) an enchantment to gain Trample.
3. I don't use Extort.
To me this says, you're beating aggro decks. Blind obedience seems like a "win more" solution against the aggro mirror and could be substituted for anything else. It they're blocking they're losing anyway, they just don't know it yet.
An aggro deck mirror match should be like dueling banjos... you turn your guys side ways, then you're opponent try's to turn more guys sideways. The first person to start blocking loses 99% of the time.
You might need the lifelink in your area. However, Id say, try playing without it for a bit and see if you really really need it if you go more aggressive. If you include experiment one and boros elite, I bet you start finishing games before you need the lifelink.
As for not winning by turn 6, well there are times when if you draw that one card you can win. But in general in an aggro deck like the one you're playing if you haven't won by turn 6-7-8, then you're probably not going too, you just may not know it yet. To clarify, by "winning' i don't mean deal lethal damage. You can win a game by putting your opponent in an unwinnable scenario. You're mileage may vary.