Topic: Boros... Control?

OK so I did the typical n00b mistake and traded for a bunch of overpowered awesome angels the CMCs so high they never see any action. 2 out of 3 are in Boros colors, but they really don't seem to fit in with the standard Boros Aggro deck. I've been trying to figure out what, hypothetically, one would do with these kinds of cards (I'm still quite new to the game.) Hypothetically, would something like the deck below be a good way to use these cards?

Re: Boros... Control?

Take a look at this deck I've been playing recently.

It's a midrange deck with heavy removal and some pretty resilient plays I've been 2nd and 6th at FNM with this deck at a fairly competitive store.  We usually see 30ish players.  You have some cards that would fit into a deck like this. 

I had aurelia in it, but felt like I wanted more angels of serenity.  Aurelia works fine though. The decks basically works by leaning on removal to keep the board manageable, sorin + lingering souls are a win condition in themselves+ vault of the archangel = 8 life a turn.  You can also use faithless looting to sculpt your hand to the situation and get value out of pitching cards like lingering souls, unburial rites.

You can work towards something like this you have Olivia and cards like assemble the legion which work in this deck, or you can start over and head towards the more aggro version of boros that sees tournament play.  There are several threads here on deck box where versions of the aggro deck have been talked about.