Topic: [Casual] Goblins

Here is a casual goblin deck that I'm trying to build.
The goal is to have as many goblin as possible when the Voracious Dragon comes in play and devour for the win. I have only one Voracious Dragon, so I do not plan on relying on that strategy for winning.

At the moment I have 74 cards, I would like to go to the 60 cards, any suggestion on what to cut? Since It's casual I am not planning on buying any cards.

My other goblins are here:

Thank you!

Re: [Casual] Goblins

First of all, Goblins are awesome, so you're already off to a good start.  In terms of making cuts, I'd look at your mana curve...You are only running 20 lands, which is on the low side, so I would focus your efforts on the lower end of the mana spectrum.  Cards like tar pitcher, warren pilferers, cost a lot of mana (relatively), and don't provide the explosiveness you want out of your late-game drops.  Empty the warrens is also a card I don't see you taking full advantage of.  In a deck where your storm count is going to border between 0-1 when you cast Empty the Warrens, it seems playable, but not as a 4-of.  Guttersnipe,  and skinbrand goblin Seem a little counter intuitive to your theme of pumping out tons of goblins, so perhaps they could get the axe as well.  In my opinion, you should find a way to squeeze your Mogg Fanatics into the deck.  They're not as good as they used to be, but they still are fairly strong 1-drops.

Hope you find this advice helpful haha.  Good luck with the deck!

Re: [Casual] Goblins

I think with Empty The Warrens as a decent storm, with a lot of 1/2 drops in turn 6/7 if the game is kind of stalled.
I agree about Guttersnipe and Skinbrand Goblin.
I am not super sure about removing Tar Pitcher and Warren Pilferers, those are nice cards, but I agree they are expensive.
I was considering running more lands as well, but it's hard to cut Goblins sad

Re: [Casual] Goblins

Ultimately, I think it comes down to how you want your deck to play.  If you want to build a deck that consistently pumps out hordes of goblins, then I recommend losing some of the variety to allow for more copies of key cards.  If you are looking for a fun, chill deck that is unpredictable, plays out differently every time, but also doesn't necessarily bring the most competitive gameplay to the table, you can do the opposite.  Run fewer copies of any individual card to allow room for all the cool, wacky goblins that catch your eye.  Also, you couldn't go wrong adding in a couple of lands.  I wouldn't go higher than 22 for this deck though.  Maybe drop one spike jester and one face vaulter for them?

Re: [Casual] Goblins

I'm thinking to go more towards the "fun" side than the competitive.
I removed some of the x4 to x3 and some of the x3 to x2, added 2 lands, removed Guttersnipes and Skinbrand Goblins.

I am left with 65 cards. What should I cut now? smile

Re: [Casual] Goblins

I would say just playtest with it a few times as-is, and figure out which cards aren't performing.  You might find that you don't want to part with any of the Goblins, which is fine.  In that case you can continue thinning the numbers to reach the 60 mark.  The only thing that stands out that you could drop in a casual setting is lightning bolt.  They don't add to the deck's identity and take away the uniqueness that comes with making casual fun decks.  Since you aren't trying to buiilld something that will crush your opponents, (and hopefully the people in your playgroup aren't building decks to try and crush you) I think all your cuts at this point are more of a personal decision,  rather than a strategic one

Re: [Casual] Goblins

After few tests and considering the casual settings I removed all the lightning bolts and one Krenko.
This is the final build

Feedback is always appreciated. Thanks