Topic: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

I really need 1x Sigarda by next weekend.

In addition to my wishlist, I will trade anything on my tradelist for bulk rares at 11 cents per rare.  I will accept any rare that is in NM condition and has the gold expansion symbol.  If you want to trade 900 Trait Doctorings for a Karakas, be my guest.

Last edited by Deathtopia (2013-06-22 13:53:17)

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

I sent you a message with a request smile

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

I have a Show & Tell, any interest in working into a trade for a Karakas?

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Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

Karakas is either for bulk or toward a Volc.

Gold symbols only, sorry.

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

What about Show & Tell + Bulk rares? >_> (Worth a shot tongue)

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Free yourself from yourself

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

Think I got the bulk for your karakas, checking when I get home!

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

I've got bulk (. ~500 rares) for that Bob

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares

Start trades.  Someone asked about the bob already but they're doing part bulk and part regular cards.  If I can get all bulk for it I'd prefer that.  And if you can do all NM bulk for the karakas, good on you and I look forward to it.

Re: H: updated tradelist. W: Sigarda, bulk rares
