Topic: have MM gofy, foil Avacyn, tradelist... want wishlist

edit---- traded avacyn

Some things on my wishlist (and not but i will trade for):

2x snapcaster
1x deathrite shaman
all shocklands
M10/INN lands*

* if trading Goyf I expect pretty good value if trading for standard stuff rotating in a few months and/or if trading down, but I am willing to make those trades

Send me a trade request and we can talk there.

Last edited by sowoah (2013-07-07 16:57:05)

Re: have MM gofy, foil Avacyn, tradelist... want wishlist

I would be interested in Goyf, check my lists (including inventory, might move some of that for a Goyf).  Thanks for looking.

Re: have MM gofy, foil Avacyn, tradelist... want wishlist

Feel free to take a look at my things too smile Including inventory