Topic: Red Black Aggro Standard
I'm building a standard Red Black Aggro deck. I'm pretty happy with what I have now. I don't know what to put in my sideboard though.

Re: Red Black Aggro Standard

I'd suggest going RG aggro, burning tree emmissary and ghor clan rampager are very strong aggro cards right now.

Need to get some shock lands to help out your mana fixing.  Some check lands too.  (Blood Crypt, Dragon skull summit). 

Important to note that doomblade inst standard legal until the 19th.  smile

Your creatures are okay for a budget deck.  There are a couple changes I would suggest.  Burning Tree emissary combined with fire-fist striker and gore house chain-walker.  Also another one drop would do well, something like diregraff ghould would work. 

Also, your removal is fine for creatures, but in general you want something that can also burn out your opponent.  Searing spear and pillar of flame would be advised right now.

as for your sideboard, volcanic strength is a must in any red aggro deck.  dread bore perhaps.  A couple (few) madcaps could be put main deck, but I prefer the fire-fist striker.

If you can go outside of budget I'd suggest going more RG aggro.  With Boros Reconer, Flint hoof bore, expiriment one, stromkirk noble,

google red green aggro, or go to starcity and look at the decklists from recent tournaments and you'll see a good list.