Topic: RUG Flash [Standard]

I've been toying around with this RUG Flash deck for about a week.
Let me know what you guys think or if you have ideas to make the deck any better.

Thanks! cool

Re: RUG Flash [Standard]


You gotta have the turn/burn, it's such a good spell.  I think you could go down a couple counters to make some room.

Your land seems light for this kind of deck.  I would expect 25ish.  I know you have farseek/think twice, but things like kessig/overloading mizzium will cost you.  I'd say 24 lands minimum. Speaking of think twice... I might try to go up to 3-4.  The draw card advantage is really good.

I'd try to fit in a couple pillars.  One of the strengths of rug flash is playing spells on your opponents turn.  voice makes that kind of hard. 

have you played it with alchemists refuge?  Thoughts on that? 

Do you have a Jace, Architect of thought?  I think he's better than ral for the card advantage and the fact he can hurt the aggro decks.

I think you could cut the avengers, on turn 2-3 you want to be playing farseek/thinktwice, or a 4 drop on turn 3.

Re: RUG Flash [Standard]

I have 3 Turn//Burn in the sideboard.

You're probably right about the land. This deck was a switch from RUG Aggro so I'm still trying to find the sweet spot for land.

I haven't played with Refuge simply because I want to have as many colored lands out as possible and it seems like it wouldn't help as much as it would hurt me.

I do like the Jace idea, though. When I was playing Aggro last week, I lost because Jace in the top 8. His Fact or Fiction ability couldn't hurt at all, either.

Pillar of Flame is, again, a three-of in the sideboard. I'm always torn in between the burns to keep main and which to side.

I'll mess around without the Avengers and see how it goes but I like them as a lasting answer to thragtusk and a blocker against aggro. I can see how he could easily end up being sub-par, though.

Also, I've been thinking about putting Wolfir Silverheart in here. Any thoughts on that? Too creature light? It seems like something that could work.

Re: RUG Flash [Standard]

silverheart, imo, is win more in this deck.  You have kessig and thundermaw.  I don't think you need another beefy 5 drop.

I said Turn/burn because it should be main imo.  It stops so many things.  Thragtsuk, Angel of Serenity, sire (which ruins your day). 

Same goes for pillar.  It's cheap and effective and really belongs maindeck.  I would argue for it over spears.  You can snap a turn, and pillar it for the same effect.  Stopping voice is paramount to your deck and letting them have the token is silly when you don't have too.

You mention answering thragtusk. I think with more removal and fewer counters cards like thragtusk will seem less threatening and so will aggro decks.  Side the avengers if you think you really need them, but I bet you won't.

Re: RUG Flash [Standard]

I probably will switch up the spears for pillar and see how it does.

The more I think about it, the better Turn//Burn sounds.

Definitely some good advice here.
