Topic: Hoping to sell some inventory!
So I find myself two weeks away from an event I'd like to go to, and I am super short on cash. So I'm hoping to do a bit of fundraising through some excess Magic cards. I generally build budget decks, so if you're looking for cards worth over $30, that's not me. But I do have lots of very solid cards for their price, and lots of staples, especially for EDH. Here's my inventory ( What I've got is:
A total Inventory worth $1400
A huge binder full of either rares or commons and uncommons which see play
Boxes of commons and uncommons
6 EDH decks
3 Legacy Decks
3 Modern Decks
1 Standard Deck
Boxes, sleeves, and tokens to accompany them
Worthy of note are:
My Kaalia EDH deck ( This has been my primary EDH deck since I started playing, and I only have the lands left to upgrade before it's perfect . I am a little attached to it, but will part with it for a reasonable offer, since I know it's the most desirable of what I've got.
Doran, the Siege Tower EDH ( A very solid deck I've been tuning for a couple months. Read into it a little in the description; it's super fun to play.
Polymorph Legacy deck ( Based on using Mass Polymorph and Proteus Staff to pump up tokens into beatsticks, this is a very flavorful and fun deck to play. A work in progress (I haven't been able to afford stuff for what it deserves yet).
Rakdos budget Standard deck ( RB creature heavy aggro using Blood Scrivener to help finish games. I haven't been able to tune it to compete yet or build a sideboard, but it can normally hold its own as is.
Other decks can be found on my profile; all of my EDH decks can compete at a card shop level very well, not so much for some of my others, which were scrapped together. Anything in my inventory is for sale besides the Olivia Voldaren EDH deck, which is my wife's. I've also got a small collection of Lightning Bolts (about 15) and Raging Goblins (about 10). I should also mention that I have not entered my bulk red commons and uncommons into my inventory yet, since there are just too many. I have a TON of Goblins.
Now, I'd prefer to part with whole decks or at least the bulk of them in groups, but I won't be too picky. If you just want the non-budget portion of a deck, we can work something out. The more you want, the more agreeable I'll be on price. I'm no card shop, so I won't expect full price, but enough to make it worth my while- we're all sensible Magic players here. Now, I'm not looking to part with my entire inventory. But I'd really like to raise at least $200 through this and/or other methods. Everything helps.
Thank you so much for taking the time to look- I really do appreciate any serious offers, as I am in need of some money. Feel free to ask any questions about my collection or buying!