Topic: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

Title says it all - looking to buy 4x Geist.  Avoid your fees here!

Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

Beagle wrote:

Title says it all - looking to buy 4x Geist.  Avoid your fees here!


Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

Beagle wrote:
Beagle wrote:

Title says it all - looking to buy 4x Geist.  Avoid your fees here!



Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

How much were you looking to spend?

Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

TonyMoist wrote:

How much were you looking to spend?


Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

i have two. what are you willing to offer?

Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

Judging by $60 for 4 I'd speculate $30 for 2 tongue

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Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

how about $35? they are about 18 right now

Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

2zettaslow wrote:

how about $35? they are about 18 right now

Recent eBay auctions are ending at $62-65 - I'd rather buy there for the protection if I'm going to pay the same price.

I think $60 is very fair given that you don't pay fees, etc.  As for buying two, I can do $30 but don't really want to - would like to  buy a complete set at once if possible.

Re: [W] 4x Geist of Saint Traft [H] My Cash (Paypal)

Bump - just send me a trade.