Topic: Suggestion: Add the ability to find people with a certain card on WL

I would love the ability to find people who are looking for a specific card(i.e. have it on their wishlist). This would be very helpful when I am trying to get rid of specific cards and would give me much greater trading opportunities. This is especially relevant right now as I try to trade off my high value innistrad cards that I am not playing before rotation.

The way I think this should work is when you click a card on the screen that has all the people with that card on their tradelist it is broken down into Trading: which has the current people displayed when you click a card and Looking for: which will have a list of all the people with that card on their wishlist. This doesn't seem too hard to implement as everything needed for this to work is already in the website.

If this is already a feature I would love to know how to do this because then I am obviously a noob cause I have been using Deckbox extensively for quite a while.

This is also my first time posting on the forums so if this has already been asked for / suggested I apologise.

TL;DR: Add the ability to find people with a certain card on their wishlist

NINJA EDIT: Yup so as i thought I'm a noob and this is already included in the sites features. For those who are also noobs Go to the page for the card you are looking for and then in the bottom where it shows all the people with their tradlist card click: FROM TRADELIST and switch it to IN WISHLIST . Thank you to Nighthawk for this info.

Last edited by 1664970207 (2013-07-25 15:04:27)

Re: Suggestion: Add the ability to find people with a certain card on WL

Already does this. Open up the page for a card, an scroll down to the section that shows everyone with the card in their trade list. Click trade list and then "wish list" in the little window that pops up.