Topic: Pauper Buidling

This is my first attempt at buidling a true Pauper deck.   I am still looking to tweak and add sideboard.   Any suggestions would be fantastic.

Re: Pauper Buidling

you need some one drops in there to help you out. Thin out your 2 drops and add some of these.

Boros Recruit
Flamekin Brawler - good mana dump when your hand is empty
Foundry Street Denizen - great synergy in this deck

With your mana curves already quite low with only one card being CMC of 3 and replacing some two drops with one drops you can go down to 20 lands if not 19 and will be fine. As long as you have 2 mana out you will be able to play almost anything in your deck.

Re: Pauper Buidling

Solid ideas!  Love it.   Thanks for the great reply.