Topic: Thoughts on this deck anyone?

This is my first attempt at building a primarily Simic deck, and for fun I added a red splash. I am not an expert deckbuilder (been playing about 6 months), and this is my first deck I have really saved to put some money into. Anyone have any suggestions on what I might throw in or change? It plays pretty well already at FNM, but seems it could do better (especially given the cost LOL). Let me know what you all think. Thanks!

Re: Thoughts on this deck anyone?

I would drop the experiment one's and go with some more mana dorks to help ramp into your hydras.

Speaking of hydras I would also add Kalonian Hydra as that would help a lot of creatures in this deck.

Between Kalonian and the biomancer you'll be packing some big creatures.

Re: Thoughts on this deck anyone?

I see your point. I'm embarrased to admit I have been mis-reading Kalonian Hydra this whole time. Didn't realize it doubled the counters on ALL of my creatures. A bit pricey though, but seems worth the effort to try and get them... And by Mana Dorks, do you mean something like Birds of Paradise, or something of the like?

Re: Thoughts on this deck anyone?

Yeah, arbor elf or the new one that taps add a green between a play set of those and a play set of the gyre it might be a bit much but you'll have to play around with it and see what feels right for the deck. With those you'll be able to ramp into the hydras and biomancers and once those are out simply attaking with kal. hydra will double everything you have.

I think the hardest part for this deck is dealing with removal. Spot removal or otherwise will cause you some trouble and I'm not sure what to do about that besides having more threats then they have removal.

And no worries on not understanding some cards, it happens to everyone at least once.