Topic: W: Remand, Gifts, Colonnade,etc H: Kalonian Hydra, Ooze, other stuff

Hey there everyone, Im pretty new here, have a couple trades done and sent already, and I am so close to haviung the cards together for my Modern Mono U and U/W Tron decks, and my Legacy/Modern Burn decks.  Hope to get everything together before the end of the summer!

Wants(In Priority):
3 Remand
4 Gifts Ungiven
4 Celestial Colonnade
1 Aven Mindcensor
1 Spellskite
4 Goblin Guide
4 Chain Lightning

Check out my list!

Re: W: Remand, Gifts, Colonnade,etc H: Kalonian Hydra, Ooze, other stuff

Bumpb for so close to finishing deck!