Topic: H: promo cryptic, doubling season, cavern, Thundermaw, Azusa. W:modern

Hi there!  I'm currently looking to complete a modern deck, with an edh deck as a lower priority.
I have for trade:
-doubling season (mma)
-cavern of souls
-cavern of souls (Russian)
-promo cryptic (preferably for a regular cryptic plus value, or higher price needs)
-Thundermaw hellkite x 2
-Azusa, lost but seeking
- dragon master outcast
And lots of other fun stuff. 

I'm looking for, in order of priority:
-scalding tarns
-misty Rainforests
-Vendilion clique
-remand x 4
-mutavault x 4
-edh stuff
Let me know if you think we can work something out!  Thanks!

Re: H: promo cryptic, doubling season, cavern, Thundermaw, Azusa. W:modern

I've got an ulamog and am interested in Cryptic, discussion started

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