Topic: Foil prices

I have been accidentally giving people wrong quotes about the prices of foils because deckbox does not take foil prices into consideration.

Maybe in the future you could make deckbox show foils prices for any card that has an established expansion symbol (no promos). TCGplayer does have a separate pricing data for their foils so it should be possible.

Just a suggestion.

Re: Foil prices

I totally agree with this

Re: Foil prices

Very common suggestion, and it's been on the wishlist for at least a year.  I don't know what Sebi and the others are up to development-wise, but they haven't acted on anything that I've noticed.

For my project of foiling out the collection, I agree that it's a total PITA especially when I'm trading for a whole pile of bulk to look up each and every individual card.

Re: Foil prices

I actually don't mind looking up the prices for the foils since I have to do it anyways because I'm selling on MTGS also.

However, it is irritating (as a seller) to have to apologize because I'm too stupid/tired/lazy to realize that the prices listed for foils are the same as normal.

I know I have punted about three sales this week because of this... lol

Re: Foil prices

Completely agree, as a new user this was the first thing I discovered.  I'd be surprised if this were all that difficult to implement.  Foil, textless, promo, and other statuses should be taken into account.

Re: Foil prices

The reason why this has not been implemented yet has to do with the fact that they are not responsible for the prices which are listed here.
As the old (with old I mean the one used until 3 months ago) API didn't support using foil pricing they had to use what they could.
As there is no exact rule on how much a foil cost they did not include a fancy math-part to calculate it by hand card per card.
As the new API was released, i noticed that they had answered somewhere in a post here on the forum that they will implement it in the near future.
However as I am a developer myself, I know that doing this takes far more into consideration then just a little work!
As far as i can tell the team of developers here are doing a great job (as the site still is free, keep that in mind!).
There are some issues here and there, but hey, nobody keeps you from developing a site which has the features that you want to have!

Towards the sellers such as Kaskade I would recommend to ask a feature which informs both people in a trade that there are foils in the trade pool.
This feature is not that long to code and looks like this (in C#)

public bool FoilInTrade(List<Card> userOneCards, List<Card> userTwoCards)
    var foilsOne = (from card in userOneCards
        where card.Foil == true
        select card).ToList();
    var foilsTwo = (from card in userTwoCards
        where card.Foil == true
        select card).ToList();
    return (foilsOne.Count + foilsTwo.Count) > 0;

Anyway I would really suggest that you check out tcgplayer's API guide in order to know what exactly is possible and what not, because promo, textless and other stuff is impossible to use (for now).



Re: Foil prices

It's worse to provide incorrect information than no information at all.  I understand that they're dependent on what their pricing partner provides to them through the API, but if they can't get accurate pricing, they could mark the values as unknown, while retaining the clickthrough to the TCG site.  Could also implement a table filter to allow you to see the subset of your cards that are promo/textless/foil/signed/etc. and therefore might have differing values.

There's typically a temptation to throw up your hands and give up when working with a third party that doesn't provide you the calls you need, but there's usually something you can do to make sure your users aren't led into making mistakes.  And if it was a dealbreaker for using the tool, why would we be coming on the forum to suggest improvements?

Re: Foil prices

I agree Gabrosin, therefor i state that warning that there are foils, promos etc going on in the trade will handle this issue while the pricing isn't 100% accurate.
I guess Sebi can do something with the provided code (when changed to PHP and if he coded object oriented, but i think that that won't be an issue...)
So hang in tight for the update which will come smile

Re: Foil prices

Gabrosin wrote:

It's worse to provide incorrect information than no information at all.  I understand that they're dependent on what their pricing partner provides to them through the API, but if they can't get accurate pricing, they could mark the values as unknown, while retaining the clickthrough to the TCG site.  Could also implement a table filter to allow you to see the subset of your cards that are promo/textless/foil/signed/etc. and therefore might have differing values.

There's typically a temptation to throw up your hands and give up when working with a third party that doesn't provide you the calls you need, but there's usually something you can do to make sure your users aren't led into making mistakes.  And if it was a dealbreaker for using the tool, why would we be coming on the forum to suggest improvements?

I actually like this idea. It sounds like a quick and easy fix code-wise. Whenever a user marks a card as foil, simply return no pricing information and a visible warning.

I don't care so much about filtering. You can easily do that yourself by exporting the CSV into excel.