Topic: W: Lion's Eye Diamond, Grim Monolith H: Cash and Trades

Hey Erryone, I have some cash that I would like to turn into a couple LEDs and maybe a Grim monolith. 

Check out my trades and wants as well.  I am looking for pieces for Modern Tron, Soul Sisters and Burn, as well as Legacy Burn, Charbelcher and Undercity Informer Combo.

Re: W: Lion's Eye Diamond, Grim Monolith H: Cash and Trades

sending a trade

Re: W: Lion's Eye Diamond, Grim Monolith H: Cash and Trades

Interested in your Shahrazad.  Let me know if you find anything you'd like to trade for on my list.  Thanks!

Re: W: Lion's Eye Diamond, Grim Monolith H: Cash and Trades

Interested in your Shardless, let me know if you see anything for him

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