m0nstersnatch wrote:![http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145390&d=1378354274](http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145390&d=1378354274)
Chestia asta nu a intarziat in Standard cu vreo un an? That's just me.
m0nstersnatch wrote:![http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145387&d=1378353672](http://forums.mtgsalvation.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=145387&d=1378353672)
Ok, in primul rand, artworkul e awesome. Pur si simplu awesome. Are fum in forma de ochi. CHEEEZUS!
Din pacate, in rest, mi se pare prost. Mai mult ca sigur e anti-control/anti-Sphinx's Revelation.
Contra aggro meciurile o sa fie cam triste. O sa urce la 5 loyalty(nu-i ca si cum o sa joci vreodata minusul in prima tura), insa am impresia ca o sa fie mai mult un fog de o tura( in special daca esti on the draw). So I think we're gonna board this guy out. Era o chestie la -X sa ai o alta optiune de a copia un instant/sorcery exilat( sa acopere si albastrul din cost).
E interesant ca ultimate-ul are sinergie cu -Xul.
Nu cred ca e Constructed playable, insa cu Jace, Memory Adept ar putea face un PWmill.dec.
Again, the artwork is both disturbing and awesuuuum.
Last edited by Silviu (2013-09-05 07:21:56)