Topic: MTG Rules issues

Tijdens ons eerste potje Planechase kwamen we de situatie tegen waarbij er in één klap een hele sloot creatures dood gingen als gevolg van Norn's Dominion. Eén van dire creatures was mijn Hissing Iguanar. De vraag was toen of zijn ability nog triggerde vanwege alle dood gaande creatures. We waren niet zeker, maar hebben uiteindelijk gekozen van niet. Ik heb het nog even opgezocht, maar het had toch wel gemoeten, als gevolg van de volgende regel:

410.10d Abilities that trigger on one or more permanents leaving play, or on a player losing control
of a permanent, must be treated specially because the permanent with the ability may no longer
be in play after the event. The game has to “look back in time” to determine what triggered.
Each time an event removes from play or changes who controls one or more permanents, all the
permanents in play just before the event (with continuous effects that existed at that time) are
checked for trigger events that match what just left play or changed control.

Example: Two creatures are in play along with an artifact that has the ability
“Whenever a creature is put into a graveyard from play, you gain 1 life.” Someone plays
a spell that destroys all artifacts, creatures, and enchantments. The artifact’s ability
triggers twice, even though the artifact goes to its owner’s graveyard at the same time as
the creatures.

Gevonden, en meer toelichting, hier:

Ook Gerrit's Totem armor had wel gewoon moeten werken in deze situatie:

If a spell or ability (such as Planar Cleansing) would destroy both an Aura with totem armor and the permanent it's enchanting at the same time, totem armor's effect will save the enchanted permanent from being destroyed. Instead, the spell or ability will destroy the Aura in two different ways at the same time, but the result is the same as destroying it once.


PS. We kunnen dit topic wel blijven gebruiken om nieuwe cases van vragen omtrent de regels achteraf uit te zoeken. smile

Last edited by Joop (2013-09-14 17:15:08)

Re: MTG Rules issues

Jup, is hetzelfde met een blood artist als de board gewhiped wordt. triggered wel alle monsters smile