Topic: Mono-red deck help; this is my mono-red aggro deck for standard play. I need help building an effective sideboard for it, and where to remove cards for more of another in my main deck. This deck will be played at FNM and Grand Prix tournaments until they are rotated out. Any help would be beneficial.

Re: Mono-red deck help

I can say this won't do well at a Grand Prix.  Most players there are playing with tier 1 decks, and as such, I would advise looking up the top RDW lists either on TCG or SCG and just go with those. 

But just taking a quick glance at things, I'm seeing several sub-optimal creatures.  For instance, Firefist Striker is just better than Bomber Corps, Goblin Shortcutter, and Riot Piker.  You could easily slide Burning-Tree Emissary in here to help beef up the board presence on T2.  Additionally, you only have four one-drops.  Where are the Rakdos Cacklers, Foundry Street Denizens, and other one-drops?

Having said all of that, I would suggest trying to figure out post-rotation plans as both Goblin Arsonist and Lightning Mauler are rotating.  Rotation hits in two weeks and Theros has been fully spoiled, so it's worth a go to figure out what you're doing.