Topic: Burn deck help

Any suggestions on things i can do to improve this. I know the theros is coming out this week, so may some help from that. Looking to get some lighting bolts to help strengthen it up. Other than that any suggestions.

Re: Burn deck help


Is this for casual play or competitive play?  Also is there a format you're looking to keep it in? Legacy, modern etc.  That can help with the suggestions.

Re: Burn deck help

little bit of both. Legacy and somewhat modern. Just what you think would help. Ive played it alot and it seems like its strong in the beginning but the end fades.

Re: Burn deck help

Well I find with burn decks it's win early or lose.  With that in mind i'd look at sulfuric vortex, Rift Bolt, Chain lightning, lava spike, fireblast, and flame rifts.  those all deal good amount of damage to people and are extremely quick.  Sulfuric vortex is important if the game goes long.  Also goblin guides and grim lavamancers are great for a deck like that too.

Re: Burn deck help

Oh also if the game goes long, things like ensnaring bridge could be useful.  If they play a lot of multi-color, nonbasic lands you can also try blood moon and magus of the moon.

Re: Burn deck help

ok. i may try those

Re: Burn deck help

Here's the deck in case anyone was curious:

Re: Burn deck help

I've had decent luck with this:

It's technically legacy as it's built now, but you could make a few changes and get it modern playable.  Many people will argue that Simian Spirit Guide doesn't belong in this type of deck, but I've found the extra speed boost to be worth it. 

Consider the vortex already mentioned and possibly Anarchy for the sideboard as a way to get around Ivory Mask type effects and it's generally good against white decks. 

My favorite win with this deck was turn 1 mountain, remove Simian Spirit Guide from the game drop kiln fiend.  Opponent turn 1 played forest llanowar elves.  I play Mountain (that I top decked I kept a 1 land hand), Lightning Bolt to the elf, Assault Strobe on Kiln Fiend, remove spirit guide in my hand from the game to cast a second Assault Strobe.  My opponent laughing says, "You can't give it double-double strike."  Me "I don't need to, it gets +3/+0 for each instant or sorcery I cast.  I attack for 20 (a 10/2 double strike)". 

Note that this is not typical, but turn 2 wins do happen.


TyWooOneTime wrote:

Here's the deck in case anyone was curious:

After looking at your deck, I would remove Goblin Fireslinger.  He's too slow even if he does interact well with Chandra's Spitfire. I'd also remove Incendiary and Mugging.  Add more Lightning Bolts and Lava Spikes.  Guttersnipe works well with anything that also draws you a card (such as Manamorphose), otherwise you may want to consider something more immediately aggressive.  Also if you don't have the Lava Spikes and the Lightning Bolts consider Flame Slash.  Even at sorcery speed 4 damage still kills a lot of threats. 

Red decks like this need to hit hard and fast.  Look for the burn spells that are the most efficient or that you can re-use.  Spells with Flashback or Unearth will help you reach the final points of damage.  Barbarian Ring is playable, it hurts you early, but it is colorless damage that can be just enough to end the game later on.  Hellspark Elemental unearths to hit a second time.  Fireblast can get those final points of damage in even when you're tapped out.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-09-17 17:54:05)

Re: Burn deck help

thanks, ill try to add these and some others im thinking about

Re: Burn deck help

rkent47 wrote:

thanks, ill try to add these and some others im thinking about

No problem, good luck.  Also take a look at the premium fire and lightning deck that was released a couple of years ago.  You can still find it on e-bay for just over the original MSRP.  It is an all foil deck with 4 Lightning Bolts, and one each of Grim Lavamancer, Chain Lightning and Ball Lightning among other useful foils.

I'm editing again:

Red is one of my favorite colors to play.  Watch out for other aggressive strategies like goblins.  You may need spells like Flamebreak, Slagstorm, Pyroclasm or the new Anger of the Gods card to clear the board of little guys.  I'd run these over Flame Rift, but that's a personal choice, Flame Rift is a solid card.  Avoid anything that gives the opponent a choice.  Browbeat and Breaking Point are bad cards. 

Life gain decks can also give you a hard time, and is a solid strategy against burn.  Pack Skullcrack, Flames of the Blood Hand and Sulfuric Vortex in the side to counteract this.

I played Chandra's Spitfire for a while when it was in standard.  I like the card, and if you're running it in multiples, spells that allow multiple targets can be good for triggering it.  The Flamebreak I mentioned only hits non-fliers allowing you to clear some little guys and trigger Spitfire without killing the spitfire.  Flames of the Firebrand will take out little creatures and allow you to ping the opponent to trigger it, and Arc Trail will take out a little guy and ping the opponent.  I would think that Hellrider would be good with it too.

Last edited by gumgodMTG (2013-09-17 18:31:46)