Topic: young pyro

hey , just want to hear everyones opinion on this deck , should I replace a land with a Mutavault? i'm pretty new to magic so every advice helps, thanks.

Deck: toky toky

18 Mountain
6 Swamp

4 Annihilating Fire
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Doom Blade
4 Duress
4 Molten Birth
4 Shock
4 Skullcrack
2 Ultimate Price
4 Vile Rebirth

1 Chandra's Phoenix
4 Young Pyromancer Display deck statistics

P.S. i'd like to keep this deck as budget friendly as possible

Last edited by Lukecelmare (2013-09-18 14:49:14)

Re: young pyro

A couple notes on your card selections. With the upcoming release of theros, there's better direct damage cards like Magma jet. it's a solid 2 damage and scry 2.  Anger of the gods is almost just flat better than annihilating fire.  It's only draw back is sorcery.

Dump, ultmiate price and vile rebirth, they aren't doing much for you here.  I'd recommend trying to get some desecation demons and a couple phurous (red god) when the new set comes out.

I know you said budget, but thoughtseize is better than duress if you can get them. Same for the shocks, blood crypts will help you a lot here.

Re: young pyro

Thanks for the tips , I will try and get my hands on magma jet , also on lightning strike once I go to a draft or open some boosters

I replaced a mountain with a Mutavault to help with the low number of creatures .

i also have a Scourge of Valkas and a Shivan Dragon but i am not sure if i should add them or not.


P.S. perhaps drop vile rebirth and add Wild Guess? i feel like i have to draw a lot of cards for this deck

Last edited by Lukecelmare (2013-09-19 06:41:50)

Re: young pyro

Scourge of Valkas and Shivan Dragon really won't help you much.  Scourge is alright, but only really works if you have other dragons in play or ways to clone it to get the ETB damage effect repeated.

If you're really looking for creatures to add, Ogre Battledriver is a decent option as it lets your tokens come in as 3/1s rather than just as 1/1s... this can be relevant for both attacking and defending.

Re: young pyro

Lukecelmare wrote:

P.S. perhaps drop vile rebirth and add Wild Guess? i feel like i have to draw a lot of cards for this deck

I would probably use Dragon Mantle actually.  With your token generation you will most likely have a target for it, and it makes your guy better while drawing a card for one red.

Last edited by ZebN (2013-09-20 16:20:34)

Re: young pyro

ZebN wrote:
Lukecelmare wrote:

P.S. perhaps drop vile rebirth and add Wild Guess? i feel like i have to draw a lot of cards for this deck

I would probably use Dragon Mantle actually.  With your token generation you will most likely have a target for it, and it makes your guy better while drawing a card for one red.

I don't like either of those options really. Wild Guess requires you to have cards in hand so it's a dead draw if you're handless and Dragon mantle can replaces itself, but doesn't provide card advantage.  It provides a mediocre pump ability.  If you need a mana dump you're better off with something like Hammer of Porphuros and it makes land draws later in the game live draws instead of mana flooding.

If you need card draw on color then something like read the bones is probably good.  Also if you get a hold of Porphuros, God of fiery stuff then you might consider something like Xathrid necro along side young pyro.

Re: young pyro

Updated it a bit , can someone please tell me if the mana pool is correct? if I should add or remove lands? thanks

Do not mind the sideboard, I am still thinking what to add there.

Thanks .

Deck: toky toky 2

17 Mountain
1 Mutavault
5 Swamp

1 Burning Earth
1 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Doom Blade
2 Duress
4 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
4 Molten Birth
3 Shock
2 Skullcrack
2 Ultimate Price
2 Vile Rebirth

2 Chandra's Phoenix
2 Ogre Battledriver
4 Young Pyromancer

4 Annihilating Fire Display deck statistics

Re: young pyro

Just from personal experience, I've found that running 1-ofs is a bit pointless. The odds that you'll get it when you need it are ridiculously slim. If a card is important enough to include, you'll probably wanna run at LEAST 2, more than likely 3. And for staples, you'll want to go for the full playset.

Also, your  curve has room for a good finisher. Chaos Imps or Stormbreath Dragon are suggestions that I've received. With the sheer amount of spells you'll be playing, Guttersnipe looks good, and Purphoros, God of the Forge can really put some pain on the opponent with your token generation.

Last edited by Leaite (2013-09-27 09:37:34)

Re: young pyro

I see some hand problems with this deck, too. Instants and sorceries just don't stick on the battlefield like permanents, and red just does not draw cards well, and you will need at least some. As you're already in black, you've got some options. Dark Prophecy is great because it would synergize with the Young Pyro tokens (opponent can't take out your permanents without giving you cards) but with a BBB casting cost and only five swamps in the deck it's almost impossible to cast it right now. You would basically need a full playset of Rakdos Guildgates or a similar manafix.

Alternatively you could play Toil / Trouble, which has the added utility of fuse, should you ever want it. Or Underworld Connections, even if it's a bit slow and almost as bad with the mana cost.

Last edited by Egann (2013-09-27 15:54:45)

Re: young pyro

Egann wrote:

I see some hand problems with this deck, too. Instants and sorceries just don't stick on the battlefield like permanents, and red just does not draw cards well, and you will need at least some. As you're already in black, you've got some options. Dark Prophecy is great because it would synergize with the Young Pyro tokens (opponent can't take out your permanents without giving you cards) but with a BBB casting cost and only five swamps in the deck it's almost impossible to cast it right now. You would basically need a full playset of Rakdos Guildgates or a similar manafix.

Alternatively you could play Toil / Trouble, which has the added utility of fuse, should you ever want it. Or Underworld Connections, even if it's a bit slow and almost as bad with the mana cost.

Nevermind the fact that if you have a bunch of tokens out, the opponent could actually just win the game by wiping the board...

If you're after a low-mana intensive draw option in R/B, Read the Bones is your work-horse.  It essentially lets you drill four cards into the deck, something blue is happy to pay six mana to do these days (Opportunity).

Re: young pyro

TyWooOneTime wrote:

Nevermind the fact that if you have a bunch of tokens out, the opponent could actually just win the game by wiping the board...

If you have that many, why would you spend the mana to drop it? The reason I recommended card draw is because I expect the tokens to get constantly sacked. You will either have too many tokens or (more likely) no other option.

Re: young pyro

Egann wrote:
TyWooOneTime wrote:

Nevermind the fact that if you have a bunch of tokens out, the opponent could actually just win the game by wiping the board...

If you have that many, why would you spend the mana to drop it? The reason I recommended card draw is because I expect the tokens to get constantly sacked. You will either have too many tokens or (more likely) no other option.

I didn't mean in just one shot.  If you're sitting on more than 3-4 tokens then you should've been swinging or something.  My point was that a control deck would happily wipe the board, ding you for 4-5 care of Dark Prophecy and just let you rebuild only to repeat.  If you're down any life from Shocks/other causes, that could easily be the move needed to finish you off.

Simply put, I don't think Dark Prophecy is all that good.  I would rather run Underworld Connections all day, every day.  At least then you get the choice of whether you lose life or not.  It's also a LOT easier to cast as a BB requirement is considerably easier to get consistently than BBB.

Re: young pyro

So underworld connections or read the bones? Read the bones seems better , how many should I run? 2 or 4 ?

Thanks for all the help guys !

Re: young pyro

Lukecelmare wrote:

So underworld connections or read the bones? Read the bones seems better , how many should I run? 2 or 4 ?

Thanks for all the help guys !

It's going to depend on the deck you're running.  Underworld Connections will provide a more consistent card draw that extends as far as you would like to take it.  However, there are two drawbacks, the BB in the mana cost AND that it's a permanent that is vulnerable on the field.  Read the Bones will dig four cards into the library and has the easier mana cost, all while not being vulnerable to anything on the board; however, it's at sorcery speed, meaning you have to do it on your turn rather than in your opponent's end-step.

They're comparable spells, again, it's going to come down to what you really want.

Re: young pyro

Deck: toky toky 2

15 Mountain
5 Swamp

1 Chandra, Pyromaster
4 Doom Blade
2 Duress
1 Hammer of Purphoros
3 Lightning Strike
4 Magma Jet
2 Molten Birth
2 Read the Bones
2 Shock
2 Skullcrack
2 Ultimate Price

3 Chandra's Phoenix
2 Chaos Imps
2 Guttersnipe
3 Ogre Battledriver
1 Purphoros, God of the Forge
4 Young Pyromancer

1 Burning Earth
2 Vile Rebirth
4 Dark Betrayal Display deck statistics

Made a few changes to it from advice gotten here and other forums , I plan on playing the deck to events (game days , FNM )

any advice is welcome , would like to keep the deck reasonable as price goes .

Thank you.

P.S. I seem to have some problems with them mana pool I either get flooded or screwed , any idea how I can solve that?

Last edited by Lukecelmare (2013-10-24 09:28:54)

Re: young pyro

I personally think the mana pool is too small...I think you should definitely get 4 Rakdos Guildgate in addition to what you have, you can get those for $1 for a playset if you don't already have them in your commons. I would always rather have too much mana than a handful of awesome removal/creature cards that I can't cast....then you can worry about getting some Blood Crypt at a later time. You're going to have to figure out which cards to drop to get to the right mana # , which I think should be about 24, or around 40%.