Topic: Deckbuilding and PC software

I used to collect and play MTG way back when I was at school (around 15 years ago now), and have recently found the cards I kept and want to get back into it.

I used to play Green, Blue and a mixture of both, and would probably like to build up a similar set of decks now.

There have been a lot of Expansions since I last played, and was wondering if there was any software (preferably free) which I can use to build decks out of the cards I own, and play them either against an AI or human opponent?

Also, with the huge number of cards available, would a Green/Blue deck still be a viable option?

Many thanks in advance smile

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

That wholly depends on what you're looking to play. If you want to play Standard, the tournament format, U/G is a bit behind at the moment. With the recent release of Theros, aggro decks, mostly mono-red and R/G, are in the lead until control and midrange stabilize within a couple weeks.

If you're looking to play casually, any deck is a viable option.

As for software, Magic Online is only $10 and provides a perfect way to play against other folks in a variety of formats. As far as a card library goes, Wizards' own Gatherer database has every single card along with rulings.

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

Thanks Leaite, probably casually to start with until I get my standard of play back up, and familiar with the different formats and strengths/weaknesses of the decks. I'll just need to find some local players...

I had a look at the Magic Online software, and I was under the impression that I would have to purchase cards/packs to use in-game rather than use my paper deck in an online setting, is that right or am I misreading the information about it?

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

They start you off with a sizable collection, but no, you can't import your own cards.

For something like that, I'm not sure what you'd be looking for.

As far as local players, heading down to your LGS (local game shop) like HobbyTown USA is the quickest way to meet players and learn the ropes of the current formats.

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

Leaite wrote:

They start you off with a sizable collection, but no, you can't import your own cards.

For something like that, I'm not sure what you'd be looking for.

That's what I'd feared, thanks for the help anyway...

I'll give the LGS a go when I can (it's near to where I work fortunately), and thanks again for the help smile

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

you could always find a download for cockatrice.  they have a full library spawned from gatherer or i use this website to playtest my decks before i make them out of real cards

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

The key is that even software like Cockatrice requires a second person to play unless you simply want to sit and fishbowl (aka playing against a goldfish or an empty chair).  I don't know of any real way to play against AI with user built decks.  Even the Duels of the Planeswalkers versions of the game have a limited card pool.

Re: Deckbuilding and PC software

Thanks guys, I've found Cockatrice will give it a go, that's fine about the AI element, I think I was being a bit optimistic about how AI could be implemented to something as complex as MTG, it was more for practice runs but if I can get games against real people on there too that would work.

Thanks again for all the help