Topic: [W] To get rid of some cards

Rishadan Port
Sneak Attack
Bloodstained Mire
Blinkmoth Nexus (MMA) x3
Kokusho (MMA)
Treachery x3
Glen Elandra Archmage (MMA) x2
Bridge from Below (MMA)
Mother of Runes x3

and a lot of Shocklands

To not have these cards.  Shoot me a trade!

Re: [W] To get rid of some cards

Have 4 seething song, 1 temporal mastery, 1 green suns, 1 dryad arbour, omniscience, possibly a spare bloodmoon and stomping ground. After fetches.

Re: [W] To get rid of some cards

Interested in treachery for EDH, anything on my list you want more than a treachery?

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
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