Topic: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

My priority wants right now are (# wanted)
1. Voice of Resurgence (1)
2. Nylea, God of the Hunt (2-3)
3. Heliod, God of the Sun (2)
4. Fleecemane Lion (1-2)

Message me if you think we might be able to work something out.  I'm a bit stingy with my Thoughtseize, only looking to move it for priority wants.

Last edited by chuckatommy (2013-10-05 20:34:36)

Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

I have a Heliod and am mostly interested in your Thoughtseize.  See anything in my tradelist?

Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane


Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane


Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

I have a fleecemane, ill try to open something else you want so I can trade for either thoughtseize or Xenagos.

I collect funny, epic, or unique flavor texts (foil if applicable)
Looking to purchase one player rewards and one judge foil Wasteland.
Tradelist | Wishist

Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

Let me know, I'd also be willing to trade Xenagos for your Thoughtseize as eventually I will want a playset of them.

Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

I have a Nylea and a heliod if your are interested

Re: H: Xenagos, Thoughtseize, etc W: Voice, Nylea, Heliod, Fleecemane

I have nylea, heliod, and fleecemane.. only interested in the thoughtseize