Topic: B/W Midrange (Repost for post-FNM tweeks)

Well, I went to me first FNM for Standard today, and found out a few things. My deck stomps midranges, and gets stomped on by control, although I do have somewhat of a chance against aggro.
Game 1 VS. Naya Midrange.
2-0 Victory with no complications.

Game 2 VS Selesnya Aggro
2-1 Loss. Blood baron was key to my victory due to his evasiveness of white removal, and I couldn't get him out.
Either need some early game presence, deck filtering, or luck for this match up.

Game 3 VS U/W Control
2-0 Loss. Didn't even see blood baron, mimicking ^^^.(Also heavy misplays on my part)

It was a learning experience, one crucial fix I need to help make this successful would be to swap one Obzedat for one Blood Baron.
Other that that, I don't really know what could make this deck better, or if my shuffling methods caused me to loose. xD
I'm open to opinions, thank you for helping in advance. smile

Re: B/W Midrange (Repost for post-FNM tweeks)

Looking at the build I can only think your issues lie in your SB. 

Dark Betrayal - you're already sitting on 8 removal spells MB that could easily deal with a black threat.  Do you really think two more in the SB makes that much of a difference?

Pithing Needle - this can be huge against control, I'd suggest kicking it up to 3x.

Blind Obedience - big against aggro, so again, 3x this.

Rest in Peace - The days of Junk Reanimator and Snapcaster Mage are behind us in standard.  As such, you really don't need hate for the yard as much as you need answers for counter magic and the like.  An unorthodox solution would be something like Silence to ensure they don't counter your Blood Barons.

Sin Collector - I think this is a good option and certainly the proper number.  I can't imagine wanting more than 3x of these and it's easy to straight swap them with the Lifebane Zombies in control matchups.

Underworld Connections - to be honest, you either want these or you don't.  I'd suggest dropping them into the MB and sliding one Thoughtseize to the SB and dropping one Read the Bones.  I would likely up the count of Whip of Erebos to 2x as well, as it'll be HUGE when it hits the field.

Merciless Eviction - in reality what would you even need this for?  By the time you would be able to cast it you're likely sitting on some of your good creatures and the game has stabilized or the opponent is playing control and it wouldn't do you any good anyway.  I would drop these in favor of something else...

Re: B/W Midrange (Repost for post-FNM tweeks)

Thanks man, I'll test this our online and see how it goes.
(I initially had a long response but it disappeared so now you get a generic one sentence response. smile )

Re: B/W Midrange (Repost for post-FNM tweeks)

Also, you need to understand that you're just hedging your bets against control.  It's a little like rock paper scissors.  Aggro>Control>mid-range>aggro.....  You can do everything you can, and still have tough games.  It's not unwinable, but I'm just making sure to point out that you know you have to play better than normal going in.