Topic: W: Anger of gods, Voice, Fleecemane H: Jace, shocks

3x Anger of the gods
2x Fleece mane
3x Boone satyr
1x Voice
4x Advent
Green and White Zen lands

3x Jace, AOT
1x Revelation
Various Shocks


Re: W: Anger of gods, Voice, Fleecemane H: Jace, shocks


Re: W: Anger of gods, Voice, Fleecemane H: Jace, shocks

Hello, I have two anger of the gods, although they aren't currently on my tradelist. Please check out my list and see if there's anything else you need as well.

With regard to the zen lands, you mean the ones that EtB tapped and gain you 1 life?

Re: W: Anger of gods, Voice, Fleecemane H: Jace, shocks

I should have specified, I mean the full art ones.