Topic: Green White Deck

Pretty easy setup here, but I was hoping to rush out and beat most decks before they could answer. Especially with Voices / Experiement Ones being able to survive verdicts.

What are your thoughts? Any suggestions?

P.S. Need 2 more verdicts wink

Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

The guildmage is pretty bad here, given that you're already pretty flooded with two-drops - yet, I'm going to suggest dropping them for 2x more Call of the Conclave

I'd also suggest finding room for Spear of Heliod and/or Path of Bravery as either one will end up putting your guys out of range rather quickly.

Since you're going aggro, I'd actually slide Voice and Ooze to the SB in favor of Soldier of the Pantheon and Dryad Militant to put the pressure on early.

I would even consider dropping Unflinching Courage if you're in need of the space.

Lastly, Brave the Elements could also prove pretty big for you... so I'd suggest some number of those and/or Rootborn Defenses - odds are if you're sitting on two or three 3/3 creatures, you can afford to keep your mana for a response to a verdict as you'll be in a controlling board state.

Re: Green White Deck

Very good advice here, but I really think the Voices are key to this deck. It's kind of an "Anti control" deck to an extent. I do like the idea of the brave the elements and the Spear of Heliod could definitely help here. Rootborn Defenses is definitely sideboardable, possibly maindeck.

You're probably right, 2 more Call of the Conclaves would be better than the Guildmage


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

hosj321 wrote:

Very good advice here, but I really think the Voices are key to this deck. It's kind of an "Anti control" deck to an extent. I do like the idea of the brave the elements and the Spear of Heliod could definitely help here. Rootborn Defenses is definitely sideboardable, possibly maindeck.

You're probably right, 2 more Call of the Conclaves would be better than the Guildmage


I most certainly understand the whole appeal of Voice, but if you're playing aggro, that means putting as much pressure on the opponent as possible as quickly as possible.  As such, if I had to choose between a 3/3 centaur or a 2/2 voice for two mana... well... one has more power than the other.  You definitely keep them SB so that you're able to slide them in against control, but if you're playing honest-to-god aggro, you will want Militants and Soldier of the Pantheon more.

This will be competitive as currently constructed, but if you want to be up there with the tier 1 decks, you really have to go all in behind your strategy and not hedge at all.

Re: Green White Deck

Updated it with cards I have. I still need 2 more call of the conclave and 3 Voice of Resurgence and 2 more smiters. Maybe even more Soldier of the Pantheon (at least as a sideboard). I know I left out the guildgates, they just feel like they would slow this deck down to be honest.

Was thinking of adding 2 mistcutter hydras (this is kind of an anti-control deck) and possibly 1 or 2 more witchstalkers for a sideboard. Also would elspeth fit in as a late game win condition or are the angels enough?

Questions, what other stuff should I look at for the sideboard here.


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

From the look of the current build you're straying from the aggro again... Mistcutter Hydra can work as a SB card, but so can Voice (and having the Voice count at 2x saves you the trouble of picking up 2x more $40 cards).  Don't even worry about Elspeth as she's too high for the curve you're shooting for.  The same can be said for Collective Blessing.

Your best bet anthem will be Path of Bravery - consider the synergy with the angel... attacking gains life and more pumps for the entire team...  It's also WAY cheaper to cast and easier to hit the colored mana requirements.

But again, you're going to want to max out Dryad Militant and/or Soldier of the Pantheon as 4-ofs - as you want to put the pressure on early and keep it on until they're finished off.

Re: Green White Deck

Swapping for the path of bravery right now (definitely a good idea).

Now question, would EACH attacking creature trigger the angel's ability? Or would it be just ONE set of +1s for the Path and one set of +1s for the lifelink angel?

I like the voices because they are fast enough and versatile, I'm reluctant to get rid of them because they've been doing so well.


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

The Voices really come down to what kind of Magic you're playing. I've noticed the automatic assumption is a T1 deck, where Voices are going to be a slower, worse option in an aggro build. If you're running T2/FNM/kitchen table, they're a solid choice.

Edit: I'd also see about finding another Temple Garden, though I'm sure you've already thought of that. If you're running white in any sort of aggro environment, Boros Reckoner deserves a look into. If you've got heavy green devotion, then Reverent Hunter may be an option. I've popped him out as a 9/9 for three mana before. Not something to ignore.

Last edited by Leaite (2013-10-08 01:36:24)

Re: Green White Deck

hosj321 wrote:

Swapping for the path of bravery right now (definitely a good idea).

Now question, would EACH attacking creature trigger the angel's ability? Or would it be just ONE set of +1s for the Path and one set of +1s for the lifelink angel?

I like the voices because they are fast enough and versatile, I'm reluctant to get rid of them because they've been doing so well.


Sadly, you don't get separate triggers for each attacking creature.  Path of Bravery counts how many attackers are declared and then you gain that much life - so it's a pump if you're over 20, but if you're playing aggro and attacking frequently (as you should), this will equate into a quick and easy source of life gain and Glorious Anthem.

For the Voices, if you have all 4 of them you're certainly welcome to give it a go with them, but I just know that they're not as threatening as a 3/3 centaur or lion on the same turn.  They do have the potential to create the tokens, but given that Anger of the Gods and Supreme Verdict are your biggest obstacles, the tokens aren't all that relevant (as Anger exiles, so no token, and verdict clears everything, so only a 1/1 token).  Personally, I've found them to under-perform, especially in an aggro build... but ultimately it is your deck and it's up to you.

Re: Green White Deck

OK so I've been playtesting and making adjustments here and there

I have added Heroes' Reunion (x2) against other aggro decks, especially the mono red and it's helping a ton + tieing in with the Angels abilities.

I had a thought of possibly subbing them out for Centaur Healers. It's 3 life vs 7 and costs 1 more to cast, but I also get a 3/3 centaur. So I get the Angel ability + a creature and some life gain (maybe not enough to matter in an aggro match up though.

What are your thoughts?

Also would Spear of Heliod work in an aggro match up?


Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

So Heroes' Reunion might be a decent life-swing, but it really does little else to modify the board.  I would argue for Centaur Healer over it all day, every day.  The simple addition of a 3/3 to the board is nothing to scoff at, as it provides another blocker and possibly a threat to the opponent.  I wouldn't even stress the pairing with Archangel, as, to be honest, you'll likely have already cast the Healer long before the Archangel is on the field.  That being said, it's another creature to be pumped...

For Spear of Heliod, you have to think of it as an offensive weapon far more than a defensive one.  You're seldom ever going to use it's removal ability, but the pump can easily make or break a game.  Think of those 3/3 centaurs as 4/4s and it's not hard to see the benefit.

Re: Green White Deck

Ok follow up then

Spear of Heliod vs Path of Bravery?

Wishlist | Tradelist | Profile | Will always sell at the low tcg price

Re: Green White Deck

Given that you're running two colors and stand to benefit from life gain with Archangel of Thune, I'd suggest Path of Bravery over Spear.  It's easier to cast (lower color requirement) and it can result in some pretty decent life gain.

The benefit you would really get out of Spear of Heliod is if you're striving for more white devotion... which I'm not sure if you are.