Topic: Change email preferences?

I checked under both "Settings" and "Edit Profile" and cannot find an email setting. I do not need an email every time someone breathes in my direction. Perhaps a daily digest, or the option to specify which emails to receive?

If I've missed this feature, please tell me. I'm more than happy to be wrong on this one!

Re: Change email preferences?

Do you mean you are getting email notifications  from the forum threads? If so that is probably because when you post a reply to something there is a little check mark  box that says " Subscribe To This Topic" .  Make sure that is unchecked before you post a reply and you should not get any emails about it.

I am not sure how to un-do the subscription if you forgot to uncheck that box though.

Perhaps writing another reply in the topic and unchecking  the box the second time around will resolve it.  Just a thought.

Re: Change email preferences?

Also, in your deckbox profile under Settings there is a check box for " I want to receive news". Make sure that is unchecked too. 

The only times I get emails are when someone has done something directly involved  in a trade of mine (ie sent, received, edited a trade. etc).

Re: Change email preferences?

Pixel_Pixie wrote:

The only times I get emails are when someone has done something directly involved  in a trade of mine (ie sent, received, edited a trade. etc).

This is what I'm referring to. I generally have deckbox open while I work, or am able to check it on my mobile, so I'm not overly keen on having thirteen or fourteen emails when I get home for things I've already replied to.

Would adding an option for a daily digest be difficult? I've no idea what sort of coding goes into things like that, sadly, or I'd volunteer my assistance.