Topic: Asking for feedback on modern Gruel Aggro Combo

Any feedback is welcome anything that may improve it.

Re: Asking for feedback on modern Gruel Aggro Combo

Here is the deck that is being referenced.

GR33NJ3RK, please remember to link to the deck in question so that people know what you're referring to.

More pointedly, the deck is clearly for standard play not for modern (trust me as you'll get blown out playing modern with this deck).  That being said, you REALLY need to focus more on having 3 and 4x of the cards you're really wanting if you hope to be competitive.

Perhaps if you could detail more about the setting you're playing in, budget you're looking to spend, and how you expect the deck to perform in an ideal scenario, then we might be able to provide more useful insight.  Remember, the more information you give the community, the more likely we can give meaningful feedback.